
The Board of the St. Patrick Society of Peoria meets on the Third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at our Society office on Galena Road, Peoria, Illinois. The Board is responsible to govern the affairs of the Society.  A quorum for a meeting is defined as half the number plus one (1) of the elected Directors currently serving as Board members.  All meetings are conducted in accordance with the By-Laws and Robert’s Rule of Order – Newly Revised.  In the event of conflict between the By-Laws and Robert’s Rule of Order – Newly Revised, the By-Laws shall prevail.

The Annual Membership Meeting is held on the last Sunday of November of each year or as soon as thereafter as is practical.  All members in good standing shall receive written notice at least five (5) days and not more than fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting of the time, date, and place of the Annual Membership Meeting.  Only members in good standing are allowed to attend and participate in this meeting.  Any Member who fails to pay his/her dues prior to March 31st is not eligible to Chair any Committee, to hold any office, or vote at any Society Meeting.

A new member shall be granted full privileges and rights of a members in good standing upon the completion of the membership requirements and shall have voice and vote at any scheduled Society Membership Meeting after a fourteen (14) day wait period.

The purpose of the Annual Membership Meeting is to elect Directors, vote on any By-Laws changes, and to
act on any business relating to the Society which may be proposed by the Board or a member in good

Special Call Meetings of the Board may be called by the President or by any three (3) other member of the Board by providing the Board members a three (3) business day notice of the time and place of the meeting and the topic to be discussed.  No other business shall be conducted at the Special Call Meeting.

General Society Meetings may be called by the President as necessary to conduct the business of the Society. Members shall be notified in writing at least seven (7) days in advance of the General Society Meeting of the purpose, time, date, and location of this General Society Meeting.

Standing Committee Chairs and Special Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President. Each Committee is to be comprised of no less than three (3) members and no more than five (5) members. Committee Chairs may call meetings for the committee members at a time and place conductive to managing the business of the committee. Reports of Standing Committees and Special Committees are to be provided to the full board at their next regularly scheduled meeting.